the amazing blessing
we call life
we call life

step 1 - getting that sucker down the hill. we live on a hillside that's pretty steep. (the ups man once told me that i have the steepest driveway in town.) so when i started pushing the mower down to the flat part of the lawn, lets just say i wasn't exactly pushing. more like running behind a wild runaway machine... the only thing slowing it down was the sheer volume of grass it was rolling through.
step 2 - starting the mower & keeping it on. i took it down to the street and started it there just like stan told me. and started mowing. well, apparently mowers don't really like to stay running in tall damp grass. so not very far into my little adventure. it stopped. back out to the street i went to start her up again. no dice. i pulled and pulled and couldn't get it started again.
looking admittedly quite pitiful, my neighbor a few houses down must have seen me. (i didn't realize anyone else on the street was outside at the time, so consumed with trying to get the mower running again.) my neighbor came by and asked if i needed some help getting it started again. i was so grateful. he started it right up, gave me a few more mowing tips for my task at hand, and i was on my way again!
step 3 - mowing a jungle & not destroying your mower. slow and steady mows a jungle. and that was what filled the next hour or so. not that my yard is very big, but it was way out of control.
about 2/3 of the way through the bottom (flattish) part of the lawn, my neighbor in shining armor came back by. he asked if i'd like for him to help me finish up. i said i'd be alright... i should be able to finish. he said, well, i got my mower out and if i work on the hill and you finish up down here, we'll be done in no time.
to make a long story longer... he helped me finish. i am so grateful for my neighbors, my neighborhood, my small town, and all of its blessings... for all of those people that see someone struggling and help them out, and the reminder to me to do the same whenever i can. sometimes the littlest things can be the biggest blessings. thank you. :)
I love it!!
Sometimes I think that all of my neighbors are crazy. birds of a feather flock together. :P But stories like this warm my heart!
Maybe you can start a lawn mowing business (wink)
I proud of you honey. I know how difficult that yard is to mow (mostly because I usually do it :). I would have to say, rather selfishly, that I kind of like little stories like this not just because it brings out the best in our neighbors, but because I'm sure the whole time you were mowing the yard you were saying, "I sure wish Stan was here!". I'm sure there is a special place in heaven for the individuals that help out my family while I'm gone. Thanks neighbor!
If more neighborhoods were like this, the world be a better place.
I think we all look for big blessing, but small blessing are around us all the time.
My neighbor is like that and I feel so blessed as well. I am glad you got it done girl. I pay our neighbors son to mow are lawn and I had to knock on a door to figure out how to start the mower. :) You go girl! :)
I love hearing things like this. When dh was gone (3 months in colombia and 7 months in Afghan) so many people helped me and ds out. It is great how people will unselfishly help out.
**sidenote - we are going through something like this now. We just moved to TX in March and just found out that the owner of the house we are renting wasn't paying his mortgage and the house if foreclosing. None the less we have to move. We have had TONS of people (probably 20 or so, and some I don't even know that just heard what happened) that want to help us move when the time comes.
Noel- You are almost there!!!!
noel, that is an awesome story...there are still "nice" people around & i am glad that you had one to help you with the yard...i would not even know where to begin!.....the days are windhwing down!!!...
;) angie (craftyscrapr)
Ok, so I totally had tears in my eyes, and then I read your husbands comment and I couldnt help having to hold back sobbing!
Little moments like these...
I so enjoy your blog and family Noel!
I commend your husband and I applaud you for holding your family together for your husband. Your little girls are so lucky!
I am so glad to hear you got the help you needed. Your determination is admirable...what an awesome role model you are for your girls! They will grow up to be strong independent women for sure.
Just a few more days!!!
that is really sweet, that guy was an angel in disguise!
Ah...such a sweet story...I am always touched by the kindness of strangers. :) You should make him a thank you card. :)
I was really touched by your blog today. It is nice to hear stories like this. They seem to be far and few between. I had tears thinking of how kind your neighbor was to see you struggling and come out to help.
I am so excited for you and your girls to have your husband back soon.
I really enjoy reading your blog. You are very inspiring to me.
That is sooo sweet. You totally owe that guy one of your candy bars!! ;)
wow isn't God great!! He sure knows our hearts and how to bless us.
What's even more fun is being able to recognize those blessings!!!
Thanks for sharing your blessings with us.
When my kids were small, my husband drove a truck over the road and would be gone a couple of weeks at a time. (I know that is nothing like 7 months.) The one time I tried to mow our yard myself, a neighbor came over and did it for me. I'm sure I looked pretty pitiful, too. LOL I am so glad your honey is home and I hope you are enjoying your family time.
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