flat rate, please

my hawaiian coffee connection,
joscie (oh and, she's my friend too), has taken a
flat version of herself and sent her around the country to different scrappers for a visit. so you take this flat little lamenated lady wherever your heart desires... take pictures like a fool, and scrapbook it in her traveling flat joscie scrapbook. and when you're finished with your visit, you mail her off to her next destination. well, she's been visiting for a few weeks now, and we've had some fun times. (man, the girls have really gotten a kick out of this whole process!) so here are my pages, and some highlights from the visit. (the hidden journaling on the page is at the bottom of the post.

not entirely sure why i look white-headed and orange-faced here...

hidden flap journaling

visit to the fabulous log cabin espresso

(i admit it, that was quite possibly the dumbest pun ever.)

thank you
lasting memories girls for being so much fun... we were doing a lot of laughing as i posed joscie all over the store. thank you, thank you!!!

flat joscie just after her arrival with some goodies sent by the previous hostess, amy.

joscie taking her love for making memories products a little too far... like right out the door.

joscie getting in my hair. :wink:

joscie helping the girls and i load homecoming signs (for stan's squadron) into the car.
we're down to about a week and a half now, by the way!
journaling on the flat joscie page:
there was brief knock at my door one afternoon... and my friendly neighborhood postal worker handed me a box. inside was the neatly bubble wrapped traveling mistress of the sb community... none other than flat joscie! she arrived via pixiedixie's (amy) house in the deep south. and let me just say, poor joscie came grossly under dressed for the drizzly northwest afternoon. amy, being as sweet as she can be, sent a little making memories gift along with miss flattie... well, i turn my back for a second and guess who is heading to the door with my present??? so needless to say, although i am very glad to see my dear little friend... she is got in my hair... :wink:
miss flattie pants had coffee at one of the fabulous Washington coffee stands, and headed down to my local scrapbook store for some shopping fun. She met all of my lovely friends at the store, and we had some good fun with posing her around the store.
i loved having you around for a visit, my dear. the girls showed you off to everyone who came by the house. the only thing that could have made it better was if it was the real live fabulous full size joscie. {{hugs}} noel joy 05.2008
This is too funny.
My daughter sent flat Stanley(school project) to a friend and he went to a lot of fun places. I love how this has been incorporated into scrapbooking.
Adorable Noel! I am sure that Flat Joscie had a wonderful time with you!
I think Flat Joscie was with some of the girls I met up with in CKC St. Louis! We all got our picture with her. This seems like so much fun! -and the scrap page you made was great! -Nikki
Hey Lady! :) You are so sweet and funny! I am giggling like a fool over here! and I loooove your page! Thanks so much for showing flat Joscie such hospitality! :) You are the best!
Joscie gets around, doesn't she??? Very cute!
What started out as a simple prank with a yard gnome has now officially spiraled out of control! Next thing you know people are going to run around filling each others yards with pink flamingos!...Welcome to Washington Joscie, I hope you enjoyed your visit:-).
oh my!! this is so stinkin' cute, what a great idea
love all the photos
How fun! Your page is too cute! I bet it was hard for you and the girls to say goodbye to your roomie! wink;)
Too cute flat Joscie page! I'm glad you all had fun showing her the sights of WA.
I love the Flat scrapper book! Such a neat idea. I hope the next week and a half passes quickly for you and the girls (and STAN!).
oh mi gawd!! I LOVE it!! It was worth the wait!! =)
What a brilliant idea! Love your layouts Noel. OH and by the way, someone actually DID the flamingo thing here in my neighborhood...
lovely journal entry!!
I've seen another person do this but I have to say I love you're so much!!!! You are one fun girl!!! LOL
LMBO!!! hahaha! Joscie sneaking out the door pic is the funniest thing ever! Glad you had fun! :D
Totally hilarious Noel! Fantastic visit for FJ.
Love the photos! She arrived today and I can't wait to have fun! Thanks so much.
PS: Love your blog, will be back to visit again for sure!
That is too funny! I love all of your pictures and your cute page.
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