Thursday, January 12, 2012

Fairy tales

It was Kid's Choice Thursday again for P365+1. It was Emma's so she scrolled through my Pinterest folder to find an inspiration shot and to provide a break from homework. She found one to get us started and went to work. A pile of lumber makes for a great prop in a pinch. She even tried a few shots with her eyes closed because she thought it would be pretty. They made me think of fairy tale type shots... an almost magical feel to them.









This was a quick shot so she could see the progress on growing out her hair... man, it's getting long!

I saw this on Pinterest the other day, and thought it was a reminder for getting better results with your DSLR. Don't have a DSLR, many of these options can be used with the features on a Point & Shoot digital camera.

Chesterton quote of the day:

“Fairy tales are more than true;
not because they tell us that dragons exist, 
but because they tell us that dragons can be beaten.”
-G.K. Chesterton

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