Monday, August 23, 2010

mom moments

i love being a mom. although, i'm not gonna lie to you, some days are tougher than others. some mom-days are tough because of the little ones, and sometimes just because life is hard, and you have little ones. then other days are just a shower of reminders of the precious daily blessings that kids bring. not that the blessings were not there on the harder days... it's just that i tent not to notice them.

all that to say, the other morning the girls had been in torrey's room quietly all morning. i figured, as any mother does, when things are quiet for too long something must be wrong. however, when i tapped on the door and peeked into see what was going on... they were doing a little Bible study together. what a precious mom moment to hold onto in the tidal wave of life. a very precious little blessing to cherish.

now, i am bound and determined to get the last bit of my 365 pictures caught up. so here it goes! just a lot of daily life, and here and there moments that i'm sure i'll be glad to hold onto in the years to come.

torrey wearing the necklace stan gave me on our wedding day.

just a little reminder of what's important in the bigger picture... hee hee. :)

mr. culbertson rocking some signage in our local town parade.

we dropped the girls off for their first week at overnight camp at warm beach, the same camp i was a counselor for many, many years ago. crazy how things come full circle. it was fun and painful to drop them off...

this is the kind of picture i get when the girls are not available for my daily pictures. :)

shining happy camera in the sun.

lucky for me, i take pictures for the camp the girls went to, so i got to stop by for a quick visit and a few snapshots during their week there. it was pretty darn funny, i walked in after not seeing them for several days, they both gave me a courtesy nod and went right back to what they were doing. gotta love it!

some of torrey's cabin-mates from camp being goofy girls & loving it!

another child-less picture of the day from the girls' week at camp.

picking the girls up from camp, i snapped a quick picture of all of the girls from their cabin that i could muster.



man, my pictures of the day are so much easier when i've got america's top models back at home!

did a little more playing with sunbursts with torrey in stan's hat. love, love, love how they turned out. there are a few more here.

and now, i'm pretty close to being caught up on posting my daily pictures. hopefully i can manage to get my daily cleaning under control next...


Anonymous said...

Absolutely stunning girls and gorgeous pictures!

Deanna said...

Beautiful pictures once again! Love the haircut, btw.

Also, Noel, what's your camp name?

noel joy said...

deanna, i was "bubbles" :)

Deanna said...

Thanks! My hubs and I met as Counselors at Warm Beach in 2001. He was Rooky and I was Belle. Love love love that place for sure.

kathyy said...

Love all the new pics....gotta love that Project 365 don't you.
Kathy (Australia) Love the camera shot too...very clever.

Linda.B said...

Your girls are so cute. I enjoyed the sunburst photos. It makes me feel like time has frozen.


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