Saturday, January 21, 2012

Wisdom of the Ages

I was talking to my dad this afternoon about getting older. With all four of his kids into their thirties, a marriage of 39 years and his 60th birthday around the corner there is a treasure chest of wisdom on file. He was telling me that each year he meets new people and deepens old friendships, he's seen the joys and ravages of life on peoples' hearts. How it increases your empathy for the souls you meet, but sometimes makes it hard to bear so many burdens. We talked about bearing one another's burdens in love. We talked about prayer and kindness and forgiveness. Just reminded me of one of the thousand reasons I am so thankful for my dad.

Now for a few pictures of my daddy's girl. Loved how the snow reflected onto her eyes and really made that gorgeous blue pop.







Chesterton Quote of the Day

"The world will never starve for want of wonders; but only for want of wonder."
-G.K. Chesterton, Tremendous Trifles

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