Wednesday, February 24, 2010

you ARE creative

you are creative... but do  you ever feel like you're not? i do. sometimes i'm just not feelin' the creative juicest, and other times i revel in the work i see from others and know i can't compare creatively to what must be going through their amazingly talented minds at any given minute. i know i've fallen (and often live) in that creative-feeling abyss before. 

{cue hero music} 

super stacy's new ella ebook to the rescue - stacy julian, that is! UR2Cre8ive. the truth about your creativity, and a whole slough of things to prove it... not to mention inspiring ways to spur those creative juices as well as exercises to make creativity part of your everyday living.

inspired by one of the exercises in the book i made some homemade post-it notes... granted i was lacking the super-cool sticky backed goodness, but hey, i'm creative, right? scotch tape did the trick as a cut and hung my creative living reminders. it's just like with capturing memories, it's often the little things that are the most precious. they're also the things we need reminding of most often. 
ella post its
so head on over to ella and pick up a copy of UR2Cre8ive, curl up under a nice warm blanket and unleash your creativity. And if you're ready to unleash some makeshift post-its on your house, you can download a copy of my post-it creative life reminders here. (click on download original size).


Barb said...

Oooooh, I love the sticky notes... I'm definitely going to stick some of these around my house. Thanks for sharing, Noel!

Jennifer said...

Wow, are you peeking in my head? That is exactly how I feel most of the time. However, the excitement of learning digital has helped some!

Thanks for the book info!

Joy Pearcy said...

Cute sticky notes! Glad to know there are others out there who feel so not-creative at times:)

Iris said...

Your post is just what I needed today. Thanks for the inspiration. I was feeling a little unispired but I am starting to get some creative juices flowing. Thanks!

Sarah Haddox said...

Thank you so much for the picture pop action on ella's blog! awesomeness!


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