any given monday

this evening i met my husband in town for dinner at our favorite mexican restaurant in town. while i was waiting for him to arrive i checked out one of the local boutiques in the same building. i stumbled upon this sign. it was just too good to pass up! i am the ever so far from organized member of our marriage, and my husband well...let's just say opposites attract. now i'll have an answer for all of that "are you going to put that away?" talk!
Love it! Organized is a foreign language (to which there is no instruction) in my world! I start to do it and life gets in the way....tell Stan you are that way to keep the marriage interesting ;) Sides we have a competition going for messiest room!
I love this! I am in the middle of a "few" huge organizing projects. DH and I both crave order, but I can live with the disorganization a little, okay a lot, longer than he can. After one Ikea trip and a day off, I'm hoping to have everything in order, at least for a little while.
LOLOL!!!! I love it!
I love this sign!!!!! I hope you guys had a wonderful dinner!!!
I LOVE that sign. I definitely need it in my house :-)
Thanks for sharing,
lol!!! the sign!...
isn't that the truth?!? i spend so much time looking for things that you'd think i liked it...
My dh is constantly asking who took my pen, why is this on my desk, who forgot to put the tape away? I think it's a creative person thing vs the retentive personality. Everything has its place and I'm usually the one forgetting to put it back! Ok, once in a while it's the kids, but 75% of the time it's me. Nice to have a comeback line!
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