some pictures
cha on first approach...
it takes some real muscle to set up the glitz booth... good thing patrick (laura's husband, and the awesome designer of all of the woodwork on the glitz booth) had me there to help...
so you wanna know a little (ok, for me it was really big) secret i've been keeping?
i had a product release at the glitz booth at cha! it is a digital template cd. with 50 layered digital templates, 2 calendar templates and a digi kit! holy cow... will somebody pinch me... because it still doesn't feel real!
setting up the glitz booth
the very fabulous renee pearson - digital scrapbooking extrodinaire & author of my favorite how to book on digital scrapbooking - falling prey to a couple of weird-o pranksters
renee, the glitz girls & me
isn't that the coolest table you've ever seen? another one of patrick's creations.
laura, me and erin on cha opening day
the very sweet lori fairbanks from creating keepsakes. it's so fun to meet people irl (in real life) after loads of emails... she's even cooler irl!
it is against some code somewhere, i'm sure, to go to chicago and not eat a real chicago hot dog. i'm just doing my part to comply! and if anyone knows where you can buy the jars of those peppers they put on those hot dogs... i'd be in your debt.
the yummy chicago hot dog vendor
finally getting a chance to talk to my sweet baby girls
the rubber stamping queen of collage suze weinberg
and my favorite southern flavor... my soy 07 buddy gretchen mcelveen
another cool irl meeting of an internet friend... latrice murphy...
yah, i'm regular sized... she's just a giant ::wink::
liz hicks, latrice & me... ckmb friends
some of the very fun girls from the hybrid class i taught at cha & their friends. :)
Glitz Design CHA Summer 2008 Chicago! from Glitz Design on Vimeo.
today is a triple... no wait, quadruple day for celebration!
first... we finally have internet at our new house. i can't believe it's been over a month.
second... after a ton of hard work our new house is cleared of boxes. (not that there aren't some boxes stuffed in closets, but everything that needs to be unpacked for now is unpacked!) yahoo.
third... my fantastically wonderful husband built me some tables for my scrapbook room, and i was able to unpack my room yesterday. (it's been a month since i've been able to do any scrapping, too! yikes!)
and fourth... my hubby and i dug a 100ft ditch (with the help of a ditch witch, but not without some work with the pick ax and ditch shovel) to lay conduit for the electrician... we have a functional new hot tub! so we can soak our aching muscles from digging ditches, hauling boxes and general moving aches and pains! :)
and now for the pictures... laura sent me a link to a video of pictures she made from cha... and the others are a mix of pics from my camera, and other floating cameras during cha chicago. :)
first... we finally have internet at our new house. i can't believe it's been over a month.
second... after a ton of hard work our new house is cleared of boxes. (not that there aren't some boxes stuffed in closets, but everything that needs to be unpacked for now is unpacked!) yahoo.
third... my fantastically wonderful husband built me some tables for my scrapbook room, and i was able to unpack my room yesterday. (it's been a month since i've been able to do any scrapping, too! yikes!)
and fourth... my hubby and i dug a 100ft ditch (with the help of a ditch witch, but not without some work with the pick ax and ditch shovel) to lay conduit for the electrician... we have a functional new hot tub! so we can soak our aching muscles from digging ditches, hauling boxes and general moving aches and pains! :)
and now for the pictures... laura sent me a link to a video of pictures she made from cha... and the others are a mix of pics from my camera, and other floating cameras during cha chicago. :)

i had a product release at the glitz booth at cha! it is a digital template cd. with 50 layered digital templates, 2 calendar templates and a digi kit! holy cow... will somebody pinch me... because it still doesn't feel real!

yah, i'm regular sized... she's just a giant ::wink::

and just in case you haven't seen enough pics... here's a slide show with even more! :)
Glitz Design CHA Summer 2008 Chicago! from Glitz Design on Vimeo.
Congratulations, Noel!!! That is so awesome that you are a product designer now! You are so super talented, so it comes as no surprise. ;)
Hey Lady!! I found the peppers!! Oh Yes I did!! Patrick and I made "The Chicago Sandwiches" today! SOOO GOOD! Vlasic Pepper Rings(mild for me, I'm a chicken!) Guess they've been here all just took getting a good sandwich and dog in Chicago to figure it out! Thanks for all the muscles at CHA! You are a life saver and we LOVE you! Congrats on your CD! It rocks!!! You rock! Love the tribute to Pat's muscles..I'll have to show him!!Sweaty guy!
noel, so great to see a post from you!..glad most of the unpacking at the new house is complete (or almost)...congrats on your product release for glitz!!!...that is so awesome!!!...
I am so not a GIANT!! You're a midget!! LOL!! Finally internet girl!! Those peppers are called Giardinera I think. Loe them on Italian beefs too!! YUMMY!! Email me soo girly so we can talk. Or call me. 630-303-2373
Later Chica
1. Hubbys home
2. A new home
3. CHA
4. A product release
AND a HOT TUB!! You are livin the life woman! :) Thanks for sharing the pics they are great!
So excited about your templates CD Noel. When will it be on sale and where can we get it?
San Antonio, TX
Congrats! I ditto everyone else. Please let us know where we can purchase your CD. Glitz has become one of my favorite sites to visit due to you, I would love to learn more on where to purchase their supplies!
Thanks also for sharing your life with us, I look forward to your post and have missed seeing new things from you. Keep posting projects and layouts for us scraplifters! ;-)
Martha - EPScrapper
Wow Noel, you have had a crazy busy couple of months! All good stuff though, I bet you're loving it :)
Congrats on the product release! I am a template junkie (makes scrapping sooooo much easier) so I'll be looking out for it.
And you look just gorgeous! I LOOOOOVE your jewelry.....especially the long pink beads & black/white/pink cameo! Can you share where you picked them up from??? :)
I always check your blog (we've missed you!) so thanks for all the pics. Take care!
thanks megan! i've missed my blog too. :)
the pink bead necklace came from express, and the cameo came from a local antique/flea market... i even left a note for the seller to see if she could get more.
i'll do a giveaway with some of the template cds here on my blog as soon as they arrive.
also i'll try to get a list of retailers with the cd up here on the blog as soon as it's available. :)
I love those pictures! awesome awesome awesome! Congratulations on your product, I am so proud and thrilled for yoU!!!!
Congrats on your new house, new product and new hot tub!
ps-I agree with Latrice! :D
Congrats on your product release Noel! Wohoo for you! Thanks for sharing all of the cool pics so we could virtually attend your booth!! LOL Is that the same Renee who used to be on Trading Spaces?
And can I just say I LOVE that table with the hot pink legs and black top!! How fun would that be to scrap on...
So happy that you are finally unpacked and settled, what a wonderful feeling, I'm sure!!
Hi Noel,
CONGRATULATIONS on your product release. You will have to let us know when it is available for purchase.
It looks like you had a great time and have a great group of friends!!!
I am so jealous. New house, new hot tub, new CD and you got to eat the best hot dogs in the world!!! Portillos is the BEST. Go to and you can have them shipped to your house. I grew up in Chicago and I love when I get portillos shipped to Arizona. Enjoy.
Congratualtions on everything!!
whoohoo for you!! you're livin' the dream girly! congrats on everything!! :)
Congrats Noel! Always knew you had it in ya girl!
Love your pics, but you know the one of you and Gretchen is my fave ;)!
what up short stuff!
please tell me that is not the best picture of us that you have. what am i doing!!??
Love the pics...congrats on your digital cd. I can't wait to buy it. Where can we purchase it? Thanks for inspiring all of us!
Congrats and I can't wait for YOUR cd to become available...I love your work .....KarenL.
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