he amazes me!

my husband amazes me! he grew up spending his summers on a ranch his family had. as an only child i guess you just teach yourself the ropes. i was reflecting during our time out at the ranch this summer on vacation just how many things my amazing husband can do. he can sail, saddle and ride horses, fly fish, man any boat, back country backpacking, back a trailer up in any situation (silly, but that talent totally alludes me!)... not to mention his other skills... flying planes, fixing anything from cars to planes to broken toilets, doing 100 push ups in a 1.5 minutes, and a million other little things. i guess i'm just sitting here, while we're in the middle of moving reflecting on just how lucky i am to be married to this amazing man!
i love you babe!!!
Reflections like these are so important to a thriving, healthy marriage. Good for you to take time to stop and appreciate your wonderful man!
Uh...i feel strange you talking about me. And you got the pushups backwards...it's 1.5 pushups in 100 days.
first i have to laugh at Collin, he is so dang funny!
back to the regularly scheduled program; I feel the same way Edward is always amazing me with the things he can do/fix!
I know exactly what you mean. I feel so truly lucky with all that Damion can do too, I see it now more that he is gone (and I am fixing the A/C myself). Damion amazes me every day! I hope your move is going well. I can't wait to see pictures of your new house all set! lovelove.
i totally get you! tomorrow andrew and I are celebrating our 21st and it feels like it was just yesterday that we got married. I am still in awe on a daily basis of everything he can do....yet, it's the small stuff that keeps us so happy after all these years.
As a matter of fact, the only thing he CAN, but WON'T do, is paint! Anyways, we are all looking forward to the photos of the house and your CLEAN AND ORGANIZED scrapbook room or space, as the case may be, when time permits. HUGS...Jodi
Oh how fun for you!! Moving and all. I bet you have a great scrap space planned out. Can't wait to see some pictures of the new pad.
Will you be at CHA chicago?
Ahh, how sweet! I'm a lucky gal too, as my husband amazes me as well! Isn't it great to be married to great, Godly men? :)
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