happy father's day!
and a cool bonus too

we camped all fabulous father's day weekend

a handmade shop towel, funny bag, handmade wind chime and cute poem!
how could a dad go wrong?!

and for our cool added bonus... we made an offer on a house just a few miles away from where we are now! crazy way to start a weekend, but so much fun. we started looking at a few places (including this one) while stan was still deployed... he had emailed it to me about a month ago. isn't the internet a crazy wonderful thing?

happy father's day!
OH NO! That means you will have to clean your SB room, and I might truly have no competition for Messiest Room...Best finish cleaning ;) Seriously congrats...can't wait to hear all about it...
Congrats on getting the house!!!! I will be so happy to get a new house again. Since we are only in TX for a year and then somewhere else for a year we are just renting until DH is done with PA school and we get stationed somewhere for a few years again.
Love all the gifts. Look like you all had a GREAT weekend!
Happy Father's Day Stan and your daddy!!!
great to see the awesome pics of the girls with stan...what a great father's day to have him home safe & sound...and, WOW, gonng be packing the house soon!...by the way, do you tent camp?....
;) angie (craftyscrapr)
That is awesome Noel, congratulations! It looks like you had a wonderful weekend! So glad Stan is home! :)
Can't wait to see the pictures of the new house.
Congratulations on the new house!!! :)
Congrats on the new house! Is it still in the same area? How exciting! And I sooo love seeing the pictures of the girls with STan :) Happy father's day to Stan! :)
Wow! What a super double cool weekend! :)
Congratulations!!! on your new purchase. What fun and it looks like you all had a great weekend.
WAHOO! Congrats on the new house! That is amazing:) The Fathers Day loot is too cute, and the pic with Emma and your dad is just priceless. So cute. And girl....you got hops!!!!! What are you like 5 feet in the air?!?!!? heehee
CONGRATS Noel & Family, what exciting news! I just love the pic of you and Stan giving each other a high five. You guys are cutie-patooties!
Looks like you had a great fathers day!! Congrats on the new home. :)
Holy cow!! way to go culbertson's. Congrats on the new place and I'm sure you'll enjoy it a ton!!
Awesome!!!! Congratulations. Buying a house is a ride and a half. I can't wait to see pictures :).
You guys...that house is just awesome........can't wait to see what you do with it ;)
love ya......
Sounds like a great weekend! Love the gifts, and CONGRATS on the house! Love the last picture. LOL.
Congrats on the house! Sure you don't want to buy mine, too? It's depressing waiting for our house to sell :(
Looks like you guys had a great Father's Day. Glad Stan was able to be home with you and the girls!!
congrats on the house! Loving the midair pic!
How happy the girls look with your DH...Sounds like you had a great camping trip.... Congratulations on getting the house.... And thats an awesome picture of the two of you hi-fiving, great timing with the clicker.... Can't wait to see the new house pictures....
(Pattie's passion)
I Scrap So All Moments Are Remembered!!!
Congrats on the new house! What an exciting new chapter in your lives! Love all the FD gifts and the camping looks so fun and relaxing! Take Care!
Catching up on your blog and all of the love that came your way this week with your Dear Stan coming home! Incredible pictures... great signs... enjoy the special time with your man!!! And congrats on the new house... that "High 5" picture is the best!!! :-)
Congrats on your new house! I don't envy you the packing up and moving part... but the new house part sounds fun! I love your photos... the cool action shot of your celebration made me laugh out loud! :)
I am so happy for you!!!!!
these are great pictures. Ilove that jumping on!!!
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