kids know just how to
brighten your day
brighten your day

deciphered: dear noel. i love you. i think you are the best scrapbooker i ever seen. i love you. to: noel. from: emma"
isn't that what it's all for in the end? leaving a little something behind for the ones you love? just put a smile on my face today. and just a note: this artwork has been posted with the permission of the artist. ;)

awwwwwwww der noel, i think you're the best scrapper i ever seen too! :) ((((hugs))))
I agree!
so for novelties sake should I say Mrs. Culbertson I think you are FABulous darLING, simply FABUlus!
How adorable is that!!!! Can't wait till mine is old enough to do that...hopefully he will!!!
Give her another great big hug Mrs Culberton, Best Scrapbooker Ever!!
aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaw!!! Out of the mouths of babes, eh???
That little girl sure is sweet! I sure am a proud daddy. She sure knows how to wiggle into my heart!
So Cute! What a beautiful, sweet thing to make you smile!
that is the sweetest thing!!
that is so sweet! I love her note...what a good writer too! Y'alls mother's day pictures are too cute also!
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