to all you mom's out there... and to all of those who are mom figures to someone... go out, have a little fun on the house! it's your day! :) be silly. laugh a lot. think of the million and one reasons being a mom is the best thing that ever happened to you... even on those crazy weeks when life seems to be falling apart.

make a silly face behind your child's back when they're not looking...
my mother's day gift to me!
to my mom:
thank you for teaching me to laugh at life,
even the things you might not be quite ready to laugh about!
to my grandma:
thank you for taking the time with me to just be together.
thank you for painting with me when i was growing up and for painting with my kids now.
to my children:
thanks for making me a mom. i love you both.

oh, and i just had to share a little slice of my sweet day. this was my breakfast in bed. (planned and implemented solely by my girls.) the wine glass is filled with flavored water... that yummy kind from costco. and promptly after the tray was dropped in bed i was asked, "hey, can i have a bite of that buttered toast? i love buttered toast. buttered toast is so yummy! wha-aaat???"

my mother's day loot! :)
happy mother's day!!!
Happy Mother's Day baby! It looks like those kiddos took pretty good care of you. Well you deserve it. I love you.
You know you've done a great job training your girls when they bring you breakfast in bed on their own. What a treat.
Happy Mother's Day Noel!
Happy Mother's Day! Very cute pics!!!
Hope your mother's day was wonderful, you sooo deserve it! :) hugs and kisses!
That is the sweetest post! What great girls you have! Happy Mother's Day. And also, Friday was Military Spouse Appreciation Day so...From one Military Wife to another, thank you for your commitment to our Country! :)
Looks like you had a wonderful Mother's Day!!!!
What great girls you have. :-)
Great photos Noel. I'm loving the last photo of the girls as I don't think I've ever seen a photo of them without an adorable outfit and cutie clothes! Love it! Hope you had a great Mother's Day!
Adorable! Happy Belated Mother's day, Noel!
cute pics, noel!!!..looks like a fun photo shoot...glad you had a great mom's day!!!...
;) angie (craftyscrapr)
Cute post Noel!
Happy Mother's Day!!
That was the cutest breakfast in bed!
What great memories your girls will have of goofing off with mom.
Looks like you had a great Mother's Day!!! GREAT pictures! Do you have a studio set up in your house? Besides these pics with the black background, I've noticed your cards have a white background. Just wondering how you are setting up these pics!
hey tracey,
nope, no photo studio... these pics were taken with a black sheet draped over the back of my couch. i turn my couch to face my sliding glass door, since it has nice natural light coming through.
the white back ground on the cards is done with my ghetto fab light box thingy... http://paperpassionpixels.blogspot.com/2008/02/my-ghetto-fab-light-box-so-i-was.html
Laugh--laugh :)
I love you too sweetheart :)
awww!! how sweet!! funny to see the girls not all "perfectly combed" & matchy outfits!such cuties!!
Happy Mother's Day!!! Your girls are the sweetest!! And the cutest!!
I love your blog! So much fun! And what great pictures! Thanks so much for sharing! I'll be back!
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