Thursday, December 23, 2010

Never stop being thankful to be alive


With one more year tucked under my belt, and beginning to sag from other parts, I am thankful for all of the blessings that fill this great life to overflowing. Grace and mercy overshadow the trials and errors. I am blessed to be surrounded by my family, loved by God and filled with hope.

hello 34


Latrice said...

Love you girl! Happy birthday! Love this picture and your Christmas card was so fun. Hugs to you and your family.

Chark said...

you're so cute! Happy Birthday and keep this attitude!
p.s. remember me (readmorebooks) from CK? I got that military story published finally!! that you gave me advice on. here's the link since you were so helpful! Sincere thanks for your encouragement from so long ago!
Charlene K.

noel joy said...

Congrats on publishing the story! That is so great. I'm heading over to check it out now! :)
Merry Christmas!


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